EWS 2018-2019 Season
Executive Director’s Report
EWS (Extreme Weather Shelter) has been open and operating for several Seasons. For the past few years County funding has been decreased. For the 2018-2019 season EWS opened on December 15th and closed on March 31st of 2019.
· Total possible bed-nights = 105
· Total nights open = 73
· Total of 1027 individuals in cots – average nightly was 14, the maximum was 25, and the minimum was 10.
A total of 105 individuals were screened for EWS 41 of whom participated in case management services. This past season the county required us to follow strict guidelines in our screening process. Below are the results of our screening process using county definitions:
· 55 or 57% individuals self-report as homegrown.
· 40 or 42% individuals self-report as not being homegrown according to County definitions.
· 10 or 10% refused to answer during screening process.
The costs of EWS
· Season Donations 12/1-3/31/2019: 42 donations and approximately $13,397 in total (One Donor $10,000)
· County Contract Spending: $33,555.61
· Total Project Cost: $52,203
· Total Cost/Open Night: $715
· Direct Client Supervision/Transportation Cost: $34,472
· Supervision/Transport Cost/Open Night: $472
EWS faced many challenges this season including staffing the shelter, lack of adequate resources, and logistical challenges. There are several items that aren’t captured in the direct/indirect costs of the project such as screening (triage was facilitated by front desk and housing navigators). Case management development and follow up services were facilitated by Housing Navigators. Housing Navigators completed assessment tools and entered data into HMIS and developed client-centered case plans and facilitated weekly case management sessions with clients. In addition to that administrative costs (payroll, H.R., and oversight of the project) were not allowed to be charged to the project.
For the 2019-2020 season, the Winter Shelter will be open every night, rather than being dependent on weather conditions as in the past. For more information, go to the Winter Shelter page.